Sunday, September 13, 2009

Such a strange world...

Okay, so I really don't have time to be writing this, but this weekend's been pretty eventful, and I feel like I should record it. So uh, here goes. Bahaha.

On Saturday, I took my senior portraits at the Japanese gardens at Normandale. It was REALLY freaking pretty there, and I'm so glad I chose to take my pictures there. They had a waterfall and everything and it was just ugh. Gorgeous. I had two and a half outfits, you could say. The first one was just a black tank top with a lil' pink sweater and jeans, and I like to think of it as my "Katie as you know her" outfit. Like, if I was just gonna get dressed for school and try to look a lil' bit better than I usually do, then that's something I might choose. But then I had my second outfit, which I've dubbed my "Katie all grown up" outfit. It was like, this short-sleeved brown sweater dress thing, with these REALLY cute brown boots, a waist belt, and black leggings. I gotta admit, I usually wouldn't dress like that, but I felt really freaking pretty in it. What I meant by the half outfit though, is for a few pictures in the set, I donned my Hufflepuff scarf and pulled out my copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (it's my favorite). He had me sit on this stone wall that was sort of overlooking the rest of the garden, and I seriously feel like it sorta had a Hogwarts vibe to it - there was a willow in the background and everything, man. I should be getting proofs of the pictures in like a week, and I can't wait to scan them onto here and show you guys. >:D

OH HEY. But even before senior portraits, I met the girl I'm gonna be leading my new HP Alliance chapter with! Her name's Stephanie, and she's 19, and she's TOTALLY awesome. I still can hardly believe there's another Hufflepuff Nerdfighter in the Twin Cities. We just chilled out for like an hour around the Mall of America and bonded and wasted time, and it was so great. I can't wait to meet up with again or something and start planning the interest meeting for our chapter.

Later that night I pretty much just camped out on the computer and talked to my Skype friends. Seriously, it was a major heart-to-heart moment. We talked about a lot of really personal stuff we'd just never really gotten around to otherwise, and it was really freaking nice. I don't have much I wanna say about it, but I just wanted to tell everyone from that chat that I love you sosososooo much, and you're all amazing, whether you were there last night or not.

Todaaay though, I had my first Spectrum meeting of the year! Spectrum is my church's senior high youth group (grades ten through twelve) and I love it so much. I'm on the leadership team with like, fifteen kids, so we've planned out the entire year together, and I think it's gonna be really fun this year. Ben, one of the other kids on leadership team, has been insisting on doing those parachute games we all used to do when we were in like preschool for the games section, and we finally got to do it today, and it was chaotic and random and wonderful. My best friend Mallery tagged along today too, and it sounds like she's gonna do her best to come with on Sundays from now on, so I'm really excited.

But none of that's really what I actually wanted to talk about. The whole reason I started this blog post in the first place is to explore how freaking weird senior year is. I got home from youth group, and I ended up talking to my mom and our friend ReneƩ about how there are these kids from the Honors English program that I've just never gotten along with. But then I ended up mentioning that despite the fact that we have next to nothing in common and they drive me crazy, I genuinely love these kids. It's so weird. Senior year is SO weird. Like, half of the kids at my school, I honestly don't like. But I still love them, because it's like they're family, y'know? Like that drunken uncle who you always see at Christmas that totally creeps you out, but you always give him a big smile and hug him when he's leaving, just because even if he's weird, he's still one of your own. Y'know what I mean? I dunno, maybe none of that makes sense. But either way, it sort of just occurred to me that I'm sort of gonna miss high school a bit. I've always known that I'll be the one crying at graduation, but I think I've always sort of assumed that was because of the select few people that I REALLY care about at Richfield, and that it'll be the end of a major chapter in my life. But it sorta just hit me today that that's not gonna be the only reason I'm crying at graduation.

Oh man, everything's so mangled and unclear. It's horrible, but I sort of love.


Lindsay said...

Ahhh I can't wait to see your senior pictures! They sound gorgeous. I love the HP idea too. So awesome.

Skype <3

I know what you mean about your class feeling like family, even if you don't like them. I know it's hard, but trust me, you'll make new family as you move on.

I love youuuu. <3

Katiee said...

More than anything, I'm just really freaking excited for college, y'know? I'll probably give this its own post somewhere in the future, but I've ALWAYS felt like college is where I'll really thrive, and I cannot WAIT to explore the new worlds opening up right before me. <3