I have been super super busy lately, which is kind of weird, seeing as I had absolutely nothing going on for the first month and a half of school. This past weekend I went on TEC (Teens Encounter Christ), which is a weekend retreat I go on twice a year and pretty much my favorite weekend ever, and as per usual, it was absolutely amazing. I can never really figure out a way to explain TEC that does it justice, but I can definitely say that I miss it terribly, I had an incredible time, and I cannot WAIT to go back in the spring. I love TEC so freaking much. <33
For a long time, I was doing well on NaNoWriMo, but then I went to TEC and didn't have a chance to write at all for at least three days - no, I'm serious. Not a single word was written. And now I'm having a lot of trouble getting back into the swing of things. It's been two days since I got back from TEC, and I still haven't written anything. I'm sort of starting to think maybe I won't win this year after all, after ALL of my hard work and stubborn determination. But we have Thanksgiving this weekend, which means a lot of free time in which I can pooossibly get myself back in the swing of things. We'll have to see. Honestly, though, I don't think I'm gonna be devastated if I don't finish. I mean, I'll definitely be disappointed. But even without winning, it was totally a memorable experience, and I still wanna do it again next year no matter what happens. So I guess...we'll just have to wait and see, eh?
I don't really know what else to write about. I'm super tired, and I think I'm getting sick. Again. Maybe ACTUALLY sick this time too, so I'm sort of nervous.
OH. I know what I can talk about! A week and a half ago, we had to put my doggy down. Her name was Cubby, she was probably eleven years old, and she was the sweetest thing in the world. I was absolutely devastated, and I was at work when I found out what was wrong with her, which led to a bit of drama in the work place. She was so freaking cute, even if she was really obnoxious at some points, and I miss her like crazy. Howeeeever, something came up, and even though it's really soon, we've added a new member to the family! She's named Nora, she's two years old, and she's a German shorthair pointer. At first I was sort of unsure about adopting her, just because when I thought of getting a new dog, I was thinking of getting a puppy, and I mean a PUPPY. Like a playful little ball of fur and energy that I could play with when I got home from school and who would snuggle up to me at night. Nora, on the other hand, was quiet and timid, and she didn't even seem to know what playing was. Sure, she was adorable and overall I liked her, but needless to say, I was a bit torn on the whole situation. After going to TEC for the weekend though, I got back and she had come completely out of her shell. She is SO freaking quirky and adorable, and I love her to pieces. I'll definitely post a picture once I get one. 8D
I think that's all I really have time to say for now though! I love you guys! Have a good night. <3
I'm so glad you have something like TEC; that's awesome. and I'm really happy you got a new doggy you love :DD I want pictures >:)
love you, girl <3
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