Saturday, April 4, 2009

BEDA #1: Never too late to jump on the bandwagon?

Yep, I'm joinin' in on BEDA (Blog Every Day in April). Yep, I'm well-aware that it's April 4th already, but I wanted to join in anyways after reading soo many great blogs that're doing it. And I wouuuld call it BJAEDA (Blog Just About Every Day in April) but that's more than a little bit confounded and obnoxious, so I'm thinking I'm just gonna stick with BEDA. I'm thinking I might post multiple blogs on a few days to make up for the three days I've missed, but I can't make any promises or anything.

Anyways, God knows I've done enough dilly-dallying getting into this anyways, so I should probably get down to business before I get bored of the entire idea of writing this damn thing and run off to play Tetris or something. Pahaha.

Actually, that was something I wanted to talk about: I'm having a bit of an issue. Lately, I've just had absolutely no motivation, want, or desire to sit down and write. And I mean, maybe this isn't something new, but to be perfectly honest, it's sorta weirding me out, man. The theme on 5RACKS this week was "dream jobs", and it was pretty damn inevitable that I'd think about how I wanted to be a writer more than anything else on the entire freaking planet from fourth grade 'til tenth. Seriously, it was all I wanted to do. I remember my mom used to tell me that it was really unlikely that I'd ever be able to support myself on writing alone and I used to cry when she told me that I should probably look into doing something else with my life and just do writing on the side. Not even like little whimpers either. Even in 8th grade, I'd hardcore cry because I was so devoted to pursuing writing that the idea of pursuing ANYTHING else was just atrocious to the point of inducing tears.

Uhh, yeah. Not exactly feeling the same way now.

I mean, don't get me wrong. Writing is still something that I absolutely 100% love, but it's just...not...that high on my list of things to devote my time to, I guess. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty much entirely hung up on the idea of a different career now: psychologist. It's pretty much written in stone at this point that when I declare my major in college, it WILL be psychology - with either another major or minor in Spanish. And I mean, it's just sorta... weird. For me to all the sudden realize that - whoa, the thing that I wanted more than anything ever isn't even on my list of things to pay oodles of attention to once I've finished this bucket-o-hell known to many as high school.

Quick thought - was it called secondary school or high school first? If high school was first, did they start calling it secondary school because "high school" seemed to elude to the fact that lots of kids are, well, high in 9th - 12th grade? Or was it the other way around - did they go to high school from secondary school because lots of lil' teens like to smoke the doobie?

Eh, I'm probably wrong either way.