Monday, April 6, 2009


Okay, I'm really really really excited for tomorrow.

More specifically, I'm really really really excited for my AP Biology class.

Why, you ask, would one ever be excited for a class as undoubtedly challenging and horrid as AP Biology? Well, because tomorrow in my 2nd hour AP Bio class, we're dissecting brains. Yeah, awesome right!? They're sheep brains, to be specific, and for real. I am incredibly. INCREDIBLY. Excited. I said it in my last post - I'm totally crazy about psychology and neurology, and while (obviously) cutting a sheep's brain into pieces doesn't do much to inform me on how we process stimulants and the likes, it's still just one more piece of this infinite puzzle that I am so. infatuated with. And I really want to do anything I can to get those puzzle pieces.

And the thing is, I've never really minded dissection. Which is...really weird, actually. I mean for Pete's sake, I can't even smoosh a spider on my own. But hand me a scalpel, and I'll slice into that pig fetus like none other. Well, I'll have to fill you in tomorrow though. Because it's 11:45, and I gotta hit the hay, yo.