Anyways, here's what's up. So my friend Esther (most of you know her) has had cancer for a long time now. Around three years ago, Make A Wish gave her a wish to use, and she's never really known what to use it on. Until recently, that is. She worked it out so that six of us are going to be able to fly out there to Boston to see her. All expenses are covered by Make a Wish. Right now, the trip is scheduled for June 30th to July 3rd, but there's a possibility of it being extended to July 5th. Also, John Green and Andrew Slack are gonna visit us.
Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about it. It'll be my first real trip, like, ever. It'll be my first time on a plane for sure. And most importantly, I'll get to spend some well deserved time with some of my very favorite people in the whole world. The entire situation is too awesome for me to even really comprehend.
...Yet part of me sort of feels bad about being excited to Boston. After all, only six of us are going. Out of a group of over twenty. And I know it would be totally unreasonable for all of us to be flown out there, but I still really really wish we could all be together. Each and every person in that chat is really important to me, and I know that they're all really really important to Esther too. I just don't want any of them to think that they aren't going because they're not liked or anything like that. I mean, obviously, it wasn't me who chose who gets to go on the trip. It was Esther. But I get the feeling that a lot of it had to do with who's been around and known Esther the longest, seeing as all of us have been around just about since the very beginning.
I don't know. We've been planning activities and stuff for when we're there, and all I can really say is that we all agree that we want to do anything and everything in our power to include the rest of the group while we're there. None of us want to make any of them feel inferior or less important in any way at all. I mean, really. We're a family. We all love each other so much, and that's what makes Catitude so great, right?
So pretty much, I'm absolutely beyond ecstatic that by some miracle this is actually happening, but I'm still thinking about everyone else a lot too. I just want to make sure there aren't any bad feelings, because really, none of this was ever meant to be taken personally.
Also, it's really weird to think about how soon this whole trip is. I mean, it's in a month and one day. And June is going to go really, really fast. It makes sense. After all, Make a Wish works with sick kids - many of whom don't necessarily know how much longer they have left - so the entire organization works with lightning speed. It's just so weird to think about boarding a plane in almost exactly a month, getting off, and running into the arms of some super awesome friends.
I don't know, it's a lot to take in. Not in the best way in some areas, but mostly in the best way possible. (:
ohmygosh, that is SO EXCITING! I'm so happy for you guys! I love when people meet IRL :') That is an excellent wish.
Who is the six? Sounds like ya all are going to have fun times.
yeah, this is great. i really wish i could be there (duh) but really i'm just happy for esther. and you guys. 'cause i love you.
Wow I didn't even find out about this until just now! This is so exciting! You guys better take lots of pictures, video and blog tv for all of us who can't be there! Wow i can't believe so many catiude cats are going to be IRL together! If I were sitting in Starbucks right now I'd probably be crying of happiness right now! I'm trying really hard to contain my excitement for you all right now so I don't freak out everyone here in Starbucks lol ahh this is so exciting!
^me right now
It's me, Arka, Maddie, Teryn, Abby, and Lindsay. 8D
i'm obviously super super excited for you guys and it's going to be amazing but yeah it ugh sucks and is so weird and confusing but ahhhhhhhhh the weird conflicting emotions are confusing BUT IT WILL BE SO COOL FOR YALL
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