Anyways, I'm super tired, and I'm planning on heading home soon to get a few things done before I head to sleep, but first I have to do this freaking blog. I really don't know what I'm gonna talk about yet, so I'm gonna talk about my plans for tomorrow. I hope that's cool.
Okay, so at eight forty-five, I have to go to the doctor.
Oh hey, Roo Roo and Tony just got back, and it turns out that they just went to get snacks. But back to the doctor.
Yeah, I have an appointment at the doctor at eight forty-five in the morning, which sort of sucks. I don't hate the doctor or anything, but I definitely do NOT enjoy waking up at eight in the morning. I have to get my second chicken pox vaccine - I didn't even KNOW you had to get two, but whatever - and then I have to get my second HPV virus. Luckily, I really don't mind shots either, so that's not much of a problem. While I'm there, I have to talk to someone about getting my medical records transferred to Winona, along with my prescription.
After that, I'm heading home for a bit, and I might go back to sleep for a few hours. But not for too long, because I'm going out with my grandma again! Yayayayayayyy! We're going out at eleven, and I think we're gonna go shopping a little bit. After that, I'm pretty sure the plan is to go to Houlihan's, a local restaurant, for lunch. Nom nom nom. Maybe I'll take a picture of me and Grandma Twyman while I'm out. That would be cute.
I don't know what the plan is after that. I feel like I should spend more time with Luisa, Mallery and Rodessa, but I sort of wanna spend some time on my own tomorrow. After all, I'm still an introvert. It's not like me to spend THAT much time with people, no matter what the occasion. Blah blah blah.
Okay though, I have to get home, I think. AHHHHH. I'm sleepy. DON'T LET ME SLEEP UNTIL I TALK TO ANDREW SLACK. Blugh.
Days until college: Ten! :O
Last video watched: re: Esther Day by the lovely cookie4monster4
Last song scrobbled: "Dead" by They Might Be Giants <33
Btw, I emailed you, because I want to send you a poooooooostcard.
Gossip Girl
Teeheehee. (I'm hyper.)
although it is already tomorrow, I hope you have a good day. have fun with your grandma and yeah that already happened... ok i'm lame. bye
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