So my BEDA buddy, my dear friend Maddie, and I were talking, and I think the plan is that we're both gonna do a sort of ~About Me~ thing today. I think a lot of you guys - referring to the five of you who read this - already know a lot about me, so I don't know if this is gonna be particularly interesting or whatever, but I'm gonna try to divulge some information that I don't think is so known or anything.
I'll start with the basics though. My name is Katie, as if the url of the blog didn't make that obvious enough. I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota, though I'll be moving to Winona in two weeks to start college at Winona State University! I'm majoring in Spanish and psychology, and I'm sooo excited to start college. I'm eighteen, my birthday is April 24th, and despite my age, I talk about poop and butts an awful lot.
Moving on.
I think what I'm gonna do is talk about five things about myself that I normally don't talk about in list format. We'll see where things go after that.
ONE: I absolutely hate rides at amusement parks. It's true. I've never been on a roller coaster, but as an eleven year old, I went on that frog ride for little kids that takes you like ten feet in the air and bounces you up and down with a bunch of munchkins half my age, and I cried. I'm not kidding, I actually cried. All the freaking four year olds were pretty much bored out of there minds, and I sat there screaming and crying. I hate the feeling of falling so much that just about any ride ever repulses me. I can sort of do the Tilt-A-Whirl, and there's this one ride at my nearest amusement park called The Wave that I can do if you spend a lot of time convincing me, but that's it. Oh, and Bumper Cars. Bumper Cars are cool.
TWO: I'm a giant hypochondriac. I think I missed over a month of school last year. Granted, some of that was because I was a senior in high school and I was pretty much waaaay over that shit and just made up an excuse not to be there. But my immune system isn't the greatest, and I come down with a stomach ache or a little fever pretty regularly. The thing is, I always make a lot bigger deal out of each teeny tiny symptom than I need to. As a result, I miss a LOT of school. I've always sort of been convinced that there's something majorly wrong with me for me to be sick this frequently, and for all I know, there could be something. But for the most part, I think a lot of the reason I'm sick so much is because I'm so afraid of getting sick in the first place.
THREE: I wanted to be a writer for most of my life. Seriously, ever since I was in first grade, I was convinced that I would grow up to be a super-awesome author. I wrote probably five poems a week in seventh and eighth grade, and I finished my first short story in fourth grade. It was probably twenty pages long, and I kid you not, it ended in the twelve year old main character marrying his teacher. I was a messed up kid. But anyways, it wasn't until a few years ago that my aspirations shifted towards psychology, and the interest in Spanish wasn't until even more recently. Part of me still wants to be a writer, and I absolutely love writing - hence my participation in crazy things like BEDA and NaNoWriMo - but right now, it's not where my focus is.
FOUR: I like a lot of bad smells. Of course, now that I try to think about it, I'm having trouble coming up with very many examples, but here are a few: skunk butt, gasoline, vinegar, sulphur, and...yeah. I mean, don't get me wrong. There are some smells that are freaking repulsive, but a lot of smells just don't bother me, and there are some that I even enjoy.
FIVE: I didn't want to study Spanish. It always sort of makes me laugh when I really think about how I ended up majoring in Spanish, because I was pissed as hell that I had to take it as a freshman. See, I wanted to take German. German was everything I wanted - unique, uncommon, funny-sounding, interesting... And in my brain, Spanish just wasn't. I mean, everyone took Spanish. EVERYONE. Of course, that's exactly why my mom was forcing me to take it. She knew that it would come in handy a lot more than German would. But I have to wonder what I would be doing as a freshman in college if I had taken German instead. Maybe I'll examine that more in a later blog post.
And that's five! I have other blog posts I wanna read, so I'm gonna take off. Don't forget to comment and lemme know what you'd like to see me write about!
BEDA Day 1, consider yourself pwned.
Days until college: Thirteen
Last video watched: VEDA 1 by realgerilee
Last song scrobbled: "Up the Wolves" by The Mountain Goats
when I started writing the thing that i've been working on most of my life I would make characters after my friends and their crushes and have them get together. or make my main character date guys that I liked. actually I haven't taken any of them out.
This is a supportive comment.
When I met Katy and Darci we went to an amusement park. I hated rides before then, and I still do. But now I like them in a way, because I am a masochist.
but bumper cars is the stupidest lamest ride ever
I love you katie you are a cool dude and I think that these facts are funny
I can't go on roller coasters because it could give me a heart attack (possibly lmao) and they don't let people with oxygen tanks go on rides DID YOU KNOW THAT??? so mean :(
Haha. The kid marries his teacher. I wrote this story in like kindergarten where elephants were like making out or something? I don't know.
Skunk butt? You like skunk butt???
Lol, ily Katie. :)
I like knowing things about you keep your blog just like this nice and personal ok <3 i miss you lots
captcha: butin. cute right
i like your blog, it is already a good blog and you doing this beda stuff is just gonna make it better. so yay. hating roller coasters isn't so bad, but the worst part for me was when i got dragged into going to amusement parks and i sometimes feel like i wasted money because my parents paid for admission or they paid for a ride pass and i didn't ride it.
so last time i just braved up and rode enough rides so that i felt the price that was paid was worth it, still, I might forever and ever refuse to ever ride a steel roller coaster, all I've ever rode is the wooden ones from like the 60s. And i think the bumper cars are kinda cool especially when you just put your foot on the gas and close your eyes.
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