Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Fair Share Of Fortune

Yesterday was nothing sort of amazing, and even though it's late enough for yesterday to technically be two days ago, I feel the need to record it, and I'm well aware that if I don't do it now it won't ever happen.

Okay, the day was actually horrible until school got out. See, I have a bit of a history of being horrible at asking for days off when I can't work. This resulted in being scheduled to work during a mandatory meeting for TEC. To put it simply, I was in a drastically complicated situation. If everything didn't work exactly perfectly, I would either lose my job or lose my position as Spirit rector. I was freaking out the entire day, to the point of tears at a few select points. I mean, the entire time I was completely aware that the situation at that point was entirely out of my hands, and that all I could do was pray and hope for the very best, but I just couldn't get myself to lighten up no matter what I did.

I'd arranged to have my mom pick me up as soon as school got out, so I hurried home, changed into my uniform, and went in about an hour early to work. The way I saw it, I stood the best chance if Ryan was my shift leader, since he and I have the best relationship, but there was only a one in four chance that it'd actually be him managing my shift, so my stomach was turning flips the entire drive to Potbelly.

Well, guess who was my shift leader.

Yep, Ryan. After he smiled and clapped upon my arrival, I pretty much just told him my situation bluntly. Y'know his response? "Oh, that's absolutely no problem! So you need to be out of here around 6:30 then?" Seriously, man. I could hardly believe my freaking luck.

So I got to the meeting on time, and everything went PERFECTLY. I got my elephant costume for the entrance despite a few roadblocks, and everything went surprisingly according to plan. My co-rector and I tag-team like freaking beasts, and our team is gonna be great. TEC is one of my favorite weekends of the year, and I can tell that this fall's TEC is gonna be absolutely insane. I can hardly wait.

After heading home and just chilling out for a while, I decided to test my luck even further. See, I've been working on convincing my parents to let me go to a wizard rock concert in Ames, Iowa for WEEKS now, and just a few days earlier I'd finally convinced my mom that it was an okay idea. The only thing left to do was convince my dad of the same. We talked for a while; I acknowledged his concerns and reassured him as much as I could within reason. Ultimately, he agreed to let me go, and OH MY GOD I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT. The concert's on November 4th, which is rather inconvenient timing (it's a school night, and the day after my brother's birthday) but I am sosososooo excited. Even this early on, I can guarantee that this is gonna be one of my most memorable experiences...ever? Ahhh, I can't wait!

Anyways, that's pretty much the extent of the stuff I wanted to record. I'll catch you guys later!

Days Until Graduation: 234
Wrock Songs Owned: 285

Friday, October 16, 2009

Impending Overload of Awesome

So I have absolutely no freaking idea why I'm awake this late. But I am. And I've been reading blogs via my newly acquired Google Reader feed, and it made me wanna write something of my own. So uh, here I am!

Things up until now have almost been so chill that I've been worried I was missing something massive, but I can tell you that things are soon about to change. I was selected as one of the rectors for Spirit, probably the most complicated team on TEC, which means my schedule's about to become MUCH busier. Also, I've officially pledged my November to NaNoWriMo, which is insane and totally not something I needed to add on to my to-do list, but I'm massively excited none the less. Not gonna tell you what I'm writing about just yet, partially because I'm still not entirely sure myself, but if it's worth showing, I'll consider leaking it on EGB in the future.

Oh hey, speaking of EveryGirlBlog, the site's been AMAZING lately! Sarah's been interviewing YA authors, and ultimately we've been doing a buttload of things that are all community-filled and actually contacting the subjects of said articles. It turns out, the majority of the time, they actually respond and even promote the article a bit. Also, just like last week, we had our first day with over 200 views. Or was it viewers? I'm not entirely sure. But either way, it's freaking AWESOME, and I'm so proud of EGB. It's really turning out to be something worthwhile, man. And I mean, I sort of always considered it worth it anyways, but it's great seeing that a bunch of other people think so too.

Unlike the rest of the world though, my classes are veryveryveeery easy. I mean, they're harder than they were a week ago. But still, that's hardly saying anything. And already knowing which college I'm going to has turned out to be a massive blessing, albeit one that makes me a little bit nervous. I'm pretty sure I'll be just fine sticking with Winona, but what if I should be applying other places? I dunno, I guess we'll just have to wait and see next year, seeing as I can't think of any other schools to apply to.

But uh, yeah. I'm majorly exhausted now, so I'm gonna hit the hay. I have a long day of hanging out with my mom and her insane friend and then going to work tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Days 'Til Graduation: 241
Wrock Songs Owned: 274

Friday, October 2, 2009

Whirlwind Living

Things are kind of all a blur right now. I have so much I'm involved with, and even when it doesn't seem like it, I'm VERY busy. The thing is, I wouldn't have it any other way. For the first time ever, I feel like my life is focused around doing the things I love. And I wouldn't say that I'm enthralled with how things are going. I'm not jovial. Rather, I'm just very content. But in a way, this is how I'd rather have it. It seems like whenever things get so good that you're thaaaat happy, you quickly learn that they've been too good to be true. Contentedness seems to have a longer life-expectancy than exuberance. At least, I think so.

This week was homecoming week, which means each day was a dress up day. I gotta say, it was lots of fun. There are all sorts of senior traditions that come along with homecoming, and I've been dying to participate in some of them since I was a freshman, so I was really excited to finally have my chance. Obviously, then, I played along every day. And I've uploaded a picture to my Dailybooth each day of the week, if you're interested in taking a look. Tonight's the homecoming game and tomorrow's the dance, and you can guarantee that I'll be at those as well, taking pictures! I'm not going with a date to homecoming, but I sort of think it's better that way. At least for homecoming, you don't really neeeed a date, and it's always a helluva lot simpler when you don't have to coordinate everything with a partner. So I'm going to the dance with Mallery, Rodessa, and her boyfriend Tony. It's gonna be splendid. <3

I've been in school for nearly a month, and I'm still not entirely accustomed to the fact that this is my last year in high school. It's all still sort of foreign to me.

You can only imagine, then, how bewildered I was when I got a certain tidbit of news this afternoon. I ran out to check the mail, hoping to get a letter from my friend Teryn, and instead I found a letter to me from Winona State University, the one college I've applied to. It was small and thin, so naturally, I started to get a little bit worried. I mean, c'mon. I remember seeing Gilmore Girls years back, and when Rory got her acceptance letters, they were these massive packets. I can tell you that that's always been what I've expected. So naturally, Winona's letter alarmed me a little bit at first. I'd checked their admissions standards numerous times, and it looked like I was a shoe in for acceptance! This couldn't be a letter about my application.

Still, I tore open the letter, only to find that I'd been quite mistaken. It was indeed a reply to my application. And y'know what it said?


Yeah. So. Uh. Yeah. I'm massively excited. And I'm pretty sure I'm not even gonna bother applying to other schools, because I REALLY like Winona, and it offers everything I'm looking for in a school. So honestly, I'd rather focus on getting ready for my freshman year than wasting my time looking at schools I won't end up attending.

But all the sudden, I've graduated, y'know? As quickly as I've had to grasp the fact that I'm a senior in high school, I've been thrown into another situation, told to grasp the fact that I'm a freshman in college. It's bewildering. And amazing. And. OH mannn. Okay. I'm definitely not merely content when I think about going to college in nine months. I'm fucking thrilled.

This year is gonna be incredible. <3