I woke up around eight o'clock or so, and proceeded to pack up the trillions of things that I hadn't packed yet and shoved them in my car. Things took a lot longer than they should have, and we didn't leave until half an hour after we had planned on. Mostly because it took me forever to say goodbye to my brother, my friends, and my dog. Not gonna lie, it may have taken me the longest to say goodbye Luna The Dog. We let her out into the front yard so that I could snuggle, and she kept jumping into the front seat of the car and waiting to go somewhere. Dogs are always the best because they're so sweet and loving, yet they never expect anything of you. And that makes it even harder to say no to them.
We got to Winona after two hours of driving, and we loaded all of my stuff onto a cart and into my dorm. It was sooo hot in there though, that I would've like, drank my own pee if I thought it would have been refreshing. Okay, maybe not, but you get my point. It took as a super super long time to get anything done, because we were all tired and sweaty and gross. Eventually, we gave up and went to Subway to get lunch and then to Target to get a buttload of things that I hadn't purchased yet.
We finally got my room finished, and it owns so hard. I'll make a video soon showing it off, but I'll probably wait until my roommate is moved in too. She doesn't get here until the 17th. But yeah, REMIND ME TO DO THAT.
Anywho, the whole reason I'm here early is because I'm in this group called Family Ties, so today through Tuesday, I'll be running around doing all sorts of stuff with Family Ties. And then Tuesday through Saturday, I have orientation. And then I have Sunday off, though Dessa and Lu might come down to visit. And then classes start on Monday!!
LIFE IS SO HECTIC. But also it's awesome!!
I was gonna talk abou the dinner that we had to go to for Family Ties, but I don't feel like it because it was pretty boring and the food was really bad. Also, that seemed like a good place to end my blog, so I'm gonna leave it off there. COLLEGE.
Days until college: NONE!!! :UU
Last video watched: I have no frigging idea.
Last song scrobbled: "Kissing the Lipless" by The Shins
look at you you made it to college!
also I love dogs. they are just the best things ever. <3
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