Sunday, August 15, 2010

BEDA 15: The New and Old

OKAY. Okay. I'm blogging. It's taken me a while to finally log onto Blogger/Blogspot and get this thing done, but here I am. Yes.

Today was really good and stuff! Except for the beginning. The beginning was just really boring. My parents and I woke up at like, six thirty to get ready for breakfast, which is way too early for anyone to do anything ever, unless they're like hypermanic crazy people. Apparently the people in charge of Family Ties and the food service workers didn't realize that though, because we woke up early to eat really shitty food. Ugh.

And then after that, we had to spend like two hours mingling. And lemme clarify. They sort of just left us to our own devices. Once again, it was really early. No one wanted to talk. Especially not to people they didn't know. And especially not for two hours. It was sort of ridiculous.

We broke into lil' groups after that though, students in one and parents in the other, and had some FAQ time. It was fine, but for most of that session, I was sorta mulling over how I felt about my parents leaving. Because right after that session, we would have free time to say bye to our families. I handled it a lot better than I thought it was, but it was definitely weird.

After that, we took a tour of Winona and went bowling, and it was really nice to get to bond with some of the other girls in the group, even if they're all on West Campus, so I can't really spend time with them outside of the Family Ties time. I sorta wish I had brought my car.

I had a lil' Skype call with my friends and my family, which was really nice, but has sort of made me homesick. Right now, I just wanna waste two straight hours on watching Youtube videos and eating Wheat Thins.

Days until class: Eight
Last video watched: Lindsay owns.
Last song scrobbled: "Wizard Rock Twist" by The Remus Lupins


PaulSayThings said...

dont you dare fall out of touch when college hits.